



Yes, Ocean Cruise Career is a recruiting and placement company that matches appropriate candidates with cruise requirements and is approved for recruitment by the Directorate General of Shipping,  India. We are not required to be registered under PGE as we come under the guidelines issued by the Directorate General of Shipping. Ocean Cruise Career also complies with all the rules and regulations of MLC 2006 which govern employers and employees working on the seas and also their agents and service providers.


That depends on the cruise line who is going to employ you. Typically, you may have to pay for the first one-way airfare, visa expenses, and medicals, apart from arranging for your passport and police clearance. Our processes are transparent and all costs related to your employment will be advised to you as and when they are likely to occur, and an official receipt will be issued for all payments. Please note, we charge no recruitment fees from any candidates.


No, that is not true, all deserving candidates get equal opportunity.

While cruise ships can employ any adult 18 years upwards, most cruise lines prefer to only hire those 21 years or older. For work in areas such as bars or casinos, you will certainly have to be over 21. Besides, the visa issuance authorities require you to be a minimum of 21 years of age.

The same designation can mean different things in different companies as they have their own individual hierarchies and designations. Secondly, you’ll b working for an international company with very large scale operations. So if you are a chef in a medium-size 4-star hotel in a small city in India, you cannot compare it to the huge luxury liners where your Indian experience may not be enough to work at a management level on board. However, you can rise fast in the hierarchy if you are hard-working, a quick learner, good at teamwork and show a positive attitude overall.


No, you will not have to pay anything for your registration and subsequent evaluation. Indus does not charge a recruitment fee either. Our operations are transparent and once recruited, the required processes and costs will be advised to you and an official receipt will be issued for all payments.


We advise you NOT to resign from your present job until AFTER you have obtained your required visa and have received medical clearance by the cruise line’s medical department. Just just in case there is a delay in your departure due to not getting either of the above, you would surely want to continue working in India as long as you are here and until you are re.ady to depart


Your joining date will be assigned to you by the cruise company depending on available vacancies and also going by the date indicated by you as ‘earliest joining date’. Then there are the visas and medical clearances to be obtained. All this could take anything from 3 to 6 months.


The Letter of Employment is valid until you arrive at the port of embarkation. However, in case of delays due to visa rejection or found to have some medical issues, you are allowed to keep trying for the visa and take appropriate steps to get medically fit. If you keep Indus informed about your intentions about joining and in case the employer allows it, then the job can be held for you for a period of time.


Indus will refund any advance paid, as long as we have not already made a payment on your behalf for visas, medicals, etc from this advance. If your air ticket has been booked, there will be a 10 % cancellation charge and the balance airfare will be returned to you. Note: Indus will not reimburse or refund any other expenses you may have incurred like local transportation or for obtaining your passport or police clearance.


CDC stands for Continuous Discharge Certificate and is commonly known as the Seaman’s Book, which keeps an account of the contracts that you have completed for cruise lines.
STCW certificates are basic safety training certificates that you get after doing a course. You would need one or the other or both in advance to be able to travel, in which case Indus will assist you in obtaining them.


Earning on the high seas on ships lying foreign flags, you do not pay any taxes in the US. And as an NRI (non-resident Indian defined as those working abroad and living abroad for more than 182 days in a financial year), you also wouldn’t have to pay taxes on income earned abroad.
Furthermore, if you open an NRE/NRO bank account in India, then you can transfer your foreign salary into this account and all foreign earning in these accounts remain non-taxable.

As you will be working on short renewable contracts ranging from 7 – 9 months, technically you are not ‘on leave’ between contracts, so you will not be paid for the time you are not on board. However, in some companies, you do receive a percentage of your vacation pay added in your monthly salary and also some senior ranks do enjoy a continuous pay policy.


As you will be working on short renewable contracts ranging from 7 – 9 months, technically you are not ‘on leave’ between contracts, so you will not be paid for the time you are not on board. However, in some companies, you do receive a percentage of your vacation pay added in your monthly salary and also some senior ranks do enjoy a continuous pay policy.


Yes, both are free and this is what makes a cruise ship career financially rewarding. There are special crew galleys (kitchens) and crew members of different nationalities often prepare their own cuisines to break the monotony of continuously eating western food. Accommodation is compact and usually on a sharing basis.


It will depend on the policy of the cruise line that has hired you.


A fully equipped medical center onboard will take care of all your medical requirements free of cost, as the medical insurance provided to you by your employer will cover all expenses. In case of serious cases, the company will arrange hospitalization in a port or even fly you back home and pay for your treatment in your home country, all at company expense. Your job will be kept for you till you return (unless you are declared medically unfit to continue.)


Yes, depending on your duty roster (some crew has to be on duty even when in port) you are free to visit the ports of call during your off-duty hours, subject to local immigration laws. However, do not expect to visit many places in a single visit as the hours allowed ashore are not very long for either the passengers or the crew.

Yes, cruise ships are equipped with a crew gym, a crew bar, a crew deck with swimming pool, jacuzzis, and sometimes even mini cricket and football pitches.

No, your C1D visas only allow you to work on cruise ships and not stay on US soil more than the number of hours or days as required for your job. Breaking this visas condition is illegal and can have serious consequences for you.


Yes, you can shop when you are ashore (all valuable goods need to be declared on the Customs Declaration Form). In addition, you enjoy great crew discounts when you by anything from the onboard duty-free shops. However, do remember that you may be liable to pay duty when you disembark with these goods at your home port or when you return to your own country, according to your country’s customs regulations.


Employment on a cruise ship is definitely a full-time job. However, due to the intensity of shipboard work and life, you work on renewable contracts of 7 – 8 months.


All cruise lines operate under the laws governed by the Maritime Labour Convention, which states that the number of working hours should be:
– 6 days a week with one day as a rest day
– 8 hours a day, under normal circumstances
– No more than 14 hours in any 24 hour period under special circumstances
– A maximum of 72 hours in any seven day period
– A minimum of 10 hours of rest (not necessarily continuous) in any 24 hours period

Your international experience is extremely valuable as you have worked in an international environment in a large-scale operation, with high service standards. This kind of exposure will be a big asset to Indian companies when you come back home and look for jobs. Many ex-cruise line employees have opened their own restaurants or businesses related to their specialty.